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  • PUL$E: Not So Fast, China. You've Only Got 10 Years Left

PUL$E: Not So Fast, China. You've Only Got 10 Years Left

There is a lot of hype on China as of late. Especially when we consider the world is moving away from the dollar as the world reserve currency. By default, because of its sheer size, the world is looking at China as the next superpower to fill the Global Shoes of the U.S.A.

But here is the harsh truth, China only has 10 more years before the Smoke and mirror pony show falls apart.

Although it is going to be a rough ride for the next 7-10 years as the United States removes itself from the Global economy, China is far from capable of rising in its place.

Yes, China has a massive military, an iron-clad grip on its people, and owns $870B worth of U.S. debt, but these things are unimportant when it comes to building a thriving long lasting economy.

China's Fatal flaw stems back from the nation's one-child policy, which was in place for more than 3 decades before it ended in 2016. As a result, today the country's population is getting very old, very fast. In fact, it is forecasted that the population will fall from its 1.42 billion population to below 650 million people, by the year 2030. Unfortunately, China now has more old people than they have young people in their country. This is a major issue when it comes to economic growth, and places serious stress on the system to care for the aging population.

This is why we are so passionate about helping entrepreneurs bet on themselves. Now is the greatest opportunity to build wealth, add value to the American Economy, and build your business. More specifically, Small to Medium sized businesses in the united states make up 70% of the economy which means, the majority of you reading this publication are responsible for pushing through the recession.

The purpose of this newsletter is to keep a cool head, while everyone else is fearful.

Keep grinding, and have a blessed week.



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