Getting Content Right This Year

Marketing Nightcap Vol. 12

Marketing Nightcap Vol. 12
Getting Content Right This Year.

The year is young and full of resolutions for many.

Building a brand may not be on the list for you…but it should be.

On the other side of building a brand are four things we all need and desire attention, community, reputation, and opportunity.

I will sell you on all these things at a later date but in honor of the new year, I want to leave you with two videos that undoubtedly can set you up for brand establishment in 2024…if applied.

The Dept. Episode 13: Chris Do

GaryVee: 8 Social Media Marketing Tips For 2024

My personal choice for you would be Ep. 13 of The Dept., host Omar Eltakrori is a member of the Think Media team that is crushing on YouTube but he is new to his own space, and it makes for a great blend of asking solid questions with his own distinct style.

Pick one.

Watch both.

It’s your choice.

And it’s your choice to build a brand this year or not.